Ethical Reflection on Ready Player One

Hi, this time I will give a reflection about the book titled Ready Player One, written by Ernest Cline as a task for the software design and architecture course.

Ready Player One was the perfect book for me because this story is turned around a video game and there is a lot of references and characters that immediately makes me feel confortable and it makes to me to enjoy the reading. I have played something similar, video games are worlds that take you a lot of time to complete each task.

Technology in general allow us to "interact" with other people in different contexts without having the need to move from the place that we are connected, and this technology allows us to make a perfect image of us, omitting our defects and hiding things that we don't want to make public, so, technology makes easier to interact with other people but definitely does not have the same result if you interact with people in the real world, because in the end, you can not hide "easily" your defects when you interact with other people in the real world, with the current technology like social networks, you can visit "other world" and that disconnects you from reality in a period of time and OASIS has this characteristic.

I think that it is possible to have something similar to the OASIS, technology is growing fast and there is already technology that allows you to play in an environment that has virtual reality, this kind of games are limited in graphics and acquiring VR glasses are costly speaking in prices, but I think that in the future this kind of technologies are going to be more accessible and graphics for these kinds of worlds are going to be better, so, maybe something like OASIS can be made.

Resultado de imagen para ready player one


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