Moon Machines

Moon Machines

This documentary was about the process of the development of the code that made possible to arrive the man to the moon, so there were many interesting things in the documentary.

In the documentary, you can notice the importance of design, dedication, and teamwork in a software development process, specifically when the project will have a big impact on many lives or the life of a human being will be compromised, in this case, accomplish an ambitious objective of producing a code that allows the human to go to the moon was a hard task, not only about the complexity of developing the code, also it was a hard task to have a perfect way in order to travel the code that it was developed to the space, so, the documentary shows many of these problems and for me it was very interesting to see the 'code rope memory', because as the documentary says, the real problem was memory, in that time, computer discs were very fragil, furthermore the computer didn´t have much storage. 

It is shocking to know that knowadays a 100 dollar device have 50,000 times more storage space than the Apollo guidance computer, so this was a big challenge so efficiency and storage were vital in this project, so this part of tthe documentary gives me a big example of the vital role of design patterns, not only with the software area but also with the hardware, and it was very interesting to see the process of bulding that 'code rope memory' and it is very respectful and elegant the way of bulding that vital computer memory, because if there were any bug in the software, then rebuilding that software and memory was a nightmare for the people that were working on it, so the design at first it is very very important in order to make succesfull software during the first try.

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