Software Craftsmanship
Hi, I'm going to give my opinion about "Software Craftsmanship" by Software Engineering Radio with Robert Martin (Uncle Bob) as a guest.
As I said before, I think that everyone needs to consider design when they are using agile methods, even I used agile methods for some academic projects but this does not mean that if I am using an agile method I do not need to take care of design and architecture, and this is because, in the actual era, you always need to think about a design that has low coupling and high cohesion and the reason is that changes are always there, so good design that has these characteristics needs to be in our mind always. My opinion contrast with Robert Martin (Uncle bob) opinion and this is because he said that quality doesn't matter, if we are talking that the principal objective is meeting all the requirements of a project, maybe quality is not the most important characteristic to reach, and also, the abstract concept of software architecture tells that the architecture of your software it is composed of the important things, and maybe, if your software architecture consists of components that accomplish the requirements of the project, then quality can be not the principal goal, so as I said before, it depends on the list of the important things for you in a project, but for me, quality does it matters and this quality for me is to develop good product with excelent and documented code, so anyone can understand what did you do when you develop software.
Robert also explains that software Craftmanship consists of developing software and sharing experiences with other developers in order to create a community of knowledge and this one can grow without restrictions, and this is cool because as I said in my post Who needs an architect? , a good software architect is a good software guide that makes great software and makes things that in consequence, makes to grow the team and I do like this idea that Robert shares during the podcast.

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